Friday, April 13, 2012

How conservative is Boise?

I%26#39;ve read that Boise is the next Boulder (Colorado). What I loved about Boulder when I lived there in the early 70%26#39;s was it%26#39;s openess to new ideas, people of all stripes, and, newcomers. On other forums Boise is made out to be very conservative...socially and politically. Is that true? I%26#39;m considering moving there, but, wondering if my somewhat liberal leanings will be way out of step. Thanks for any insite you can offer!


How conservative is Boise?


I am about as liberal as they come and I love it here have been here for 27 yrs.

yes idaho is a red state and. votes conservative it has strong

family values.

I don%26#39;t find it socially conservative at all we have a vibrant downtown and the arts are well supported by rich local patrons

but it is a very accepting of everyone.

based upon work ethic and careing about the community.

Boise is bascialy a white collar educated work force

so lots of the people are well traveled and moved here by choice.

I think the thing that binds us all here is the love for nature and the desire to see Boise grow but keep its safe and friendly style.

yes we have protest here also last week the Attorney general was here he had to change his plans to speak outside because of the vocal protesters so they moved it inside the federal building behind security.

come out for a visit and see for yourself.

you will see the goths and skaterboys along with the bussiness men in their $1000 suits just like any city in america LOL

How conservative is Boise?

Thanks sawadeeka!

That%26#39;s the reply I was hoping for. We were visiting inlaws in Nampa in April and were really taken with Boise. It reminds me of what Boulder was like when we lived there in the early seventies. Love the outdoorsy and artsy vibe! Will be returning in August to try summer on for size. Your dry heat and cool nights have to beat the steamy, sauna-like days here in Virginia. Some mornings it%26#39;s already so warm and muggy I can%26#39;t even work up the enthusiasm to put my kayak in the water! That%26#39;s BAD. And, forget about hiking even at dawn. In Boulder I used to hike nearly every day in the foothills. Sure have missed that. Boise%26#39;s foothills are calling to me big time!

If all goes as planned, we plan to rent a house in Boise for Feb. and March next year - just to be sure we want to move there. Our next hurdle will be realestate prices. I know they%26#39;re reasonable in Boise compared to many places...but, not compared to here. We%26#39;ll have to get something much smaller, or, fork over mucho dinero. The jury is still out on that one.

Thank you so much for your helpful reply.

i think boise is very liberal, as an old hippy from laguna beach. i do live in ketchum, tho, but am going to a big ';love in'; on someones property in aug!!! very well organized. our other friends have a harvest party, where you bring something that you grew or killed, sounds horrible about the kill, but you know what i mean.

Very fun town, great open markets, street fairs and yes, all the white collar workers and all. If i had to move, boise would be it.

Think that when you rent in Boise, you should take a side trip to Ketchum and see the mountains there. i came for a week ,and it has been 30 years now. just love the idea of going out the door for a run, or hike. the river is just a stones throw away, and you can always find peace and quietness can%26#39;t imagine anywhere else in the states to live...enjoy

Whether it%26#39;s Liberal or Conservative depends on your perspective. I live in Boise now and I think it%26#39;s pretty mainstream. Some liberals, some conservatives, and a lot of people who tend to float in between. Overall I think Boise leans conservative, however. When the surrounding towns are included in the mix, the Boise metro area is quite conservative. The overall state is extrememely conservative.

But remember what I said about perspective? I lived in Eugene just before I moved to Boise, so my liberal/conservative meter may be calibrated differently than most.

I don%26#39;t think Boise schools will be exactly copying the curriculum of Boulder in the near future. The mixture of conservative and liberal constituents is closer to even in Boise than most of conservative Idaho. The biggest selling newspaper The Idaho Statesman is probably pretty close to the middle, with people from the left and right complaining that it is too favorable to the other. The advertising-supported ';alternative'; newspaper, Boise Weekly is unequivocally liberal.

Thanks everyone! Politically Boise is probably very similar to where I live now . The older folks tend to be more conservative. The younger ones, and, those moving in form more liberal areas, are bending it more to the left. New meets old - it%26#39;s an old story. Makes life more vital.

I think we%26#39;ll fit right in. Can%26#39;t wait!

curious....did you get here?

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