Friday, April 13, 2012

Buying a cello in Boise. Where would I go?

How do I buy a cello? If I went to Boise, where would I go? My son has started his second year playing at school. I know they%26#39;re very expensive, but I%26#39;d like to learn the ropes.


Buying a cello in Boise. Where would I go?

i just went to ';how to buy a cello'; and lots of answers came up..then try musical intruments in boise, or something like that...enjoy

Buying a cello in Boise. Where would I go?


I tried to rent one here in Twin and the instruments are just too expensive for the stores to keep them. I know I%26#39;ll have to go to Boise or Salt Lake even if I consider buying one.

Telford %26amp; Sons

Welch Music

Dorsey Music

Old Boise Guitar, Downtown

Winther Music, Downtown

Dunkley Music, Downtown

Thanks! I%26#39;d love to stay in the state if at all possible. I appreciate it!

Telford and Sons knows their stuff; some of the other music stores specialize in pianos, etc. and may not be the best places for strings.

I%26#39;m from Twin Falls and am a professional violist here in North Carolina. Your choices in Idaho are very limited. I would suggest you either go to Prier Music in Salt Lake City or Telford %26amp; Sons in Boise. Your best selection will be at Prier%26#39;s. If you are looking for a student instrument, look into the Eastman (Chinese) or Doetsch (German) brands. You can actually find them from time to time on Ebay. I%26#39;ve sold a number of Eastman violins to my own students when I find them on Ebay. Does your son need a full-size instrument or is he still growing? There is a 3/4 cello on ebay now that looks to be a good deal if he%26#39;s not yet ready for a full-size cello. Best of luck... it can be very confusing! - Cathy


We used Telford for our cello, we used Dunkley for our clarinet and guitar, both are reputable, but i enjoy Dunkley better.....larger with lots more selection and easier to get to.

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