Is there a good place to buy use/new kids ice hockey
gear shop in Coer d%26#39;Alene or anywhere along the way from Couer D%26#39;Alene to Portland, OR?
Thank you for reading!
Ice Hockey gear shop
Not an ice hockey expert but you best chance for ice hockey equipment is probably in Spokane rather than Coeur d%26#39; Alene. One place I have heard advertise is Hockey Armor, 8901 E. Trent Ave, Spokane, WA 99212 Tel(509)927-4625. I would give them a call to confirm location but it looks like its located fairly close to Interstate 90.
Ice Hockey gear shop
For a big selection of used stuff, Play It Again Sports in Spokane usually has a good amount of hockey gear. Definitely call to confirm at 509-484-1551.
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